People’s Bio Divercity Registers

SEED, with the support of the Telangana State Biodiversity Board, is establishing 12 People's Biodiversity Registers in 28 villages in the Dharur, Parigi, and Vikarabad mandals of the Vikarabad district and an extension to 16 villages in the Nangunoor Mandal of the Siddipet district. The initiative aims to address issues surrounding bio resources, including aggro-biodiversity, forest biodiversity, tank biodiversity, and land use patterns. SEED is using participatory tools like Participatory Rural Appraisal, Rapid Rural Appraisal, door-to-door surveys, and transect walks to analyze trends and gather primary data on seasonality and livelihoods.

The initiative also aims to strengthen community engagement in resource conservation, educating them about the Biodiversity Act and clarifying local bodies' entitlement to royalty income derived from bio resources. Key results include sensitizing People and Biodiversity Management Committees to the provisions of the Biodiversity Act, conducting trend analysis to identify gaps in bio resource utilization, and identifying potential income sources to bridge these gaps.